Thursday, August 27, 2009

Convalescing with Chachi

The cold continues. And stress from afar comes to me through the internet. Evil evil technology.

Favorite thing of the day: Douglas Pembroke from Charles in Charge. Adorable. Look it's our species in the pupa stage!

Monday, August 24, 2009

summer dreams ripped at the seams

I hate summer colds. And yet with the stress of the school year rapidly approaching I've gotten them the past few years. Suck.

But suffering is optional, and so I'm trying to make myself feel better--lots of tea, sympathy from the cat, "The Craft" on TV, and dosas & samosas.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Lament for an Almost-but-not-quite Move

Must be back in New York, as yesterday contained a 'not-a-real-celebrity-celebrity-sighting' in the form of Colin, the hot Clark Kent lookalike from Make Me A Supermodel. He's super tall, crazy skinny (manerxic?) and still very attractive. He was in SOHO so i guess he's working. Good for him. I was shopping at Anthro. (as usual)

See, the thing is that my stuff is still in SA and might be for some time as the people in charge of such things are having trouble finding a company that will move said junque from there to here. Moving companies need to stop hatin' on the village. Seriously. Because I am tired of sleeping on the floor and I've only been here since Thursday.

Meanwhile I have an on-going list of things I miss from my boxes (Buffy, random books, my cLoThEs, etc). Most of all: my bed. And pillows. Sigh. Photographs, surge protectors, Buffy action figures (Mal, of course, made the journey with me). Sigh. Sigh.

Keep going back and forth about cutting my hair. Because i am shallow...