Monday, July 27, 2009

Thing of the Day:

Pitting Miss Marple & Hercule Poirot against one another in a bout of fisticuffs.
(LJ took the latter) I maintain that Jane would win simply because of the knitting needles. Where are your little gray cells now, f***er?
The things we do to kill time...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Geekness & Season Six

From a conversation with LJ earlier today:
"If Buffy season 6 is your happy place you are seriously twisted."
I tried to explain (as I do often, as a s6 apologist) that s6 has everything I love: Spike, Clem, Once More With Feeling!, Tara, Tabla Rasa... it's excellence is highly overlooked.
Let's just admit it: I love Clem. The bugle taste-test? Parcheesi? Count me in.

LJ and I have been having a 'geek off' all this year and most of last. It started as a joke and has turned into... I'm not quite sure what.
Mostly it consists of us flaunting geek cred to each other, whether it be in sheer number of dvds, t-shirts, bizarre trivia, etc.
A quite memorable round of 'How Geek are you right this second?' went to me with: kaylee hair buns, dinosaur earrings, writing a grocery list with my Sonic Screwdriver, wearing a Back to the Future shirt, all while watching Carl Sagan's Cosmos.
Beat that.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Trouble with fandom

Monday, I was in court, ready to go up and be rubber-stamped through the probate process, when I looked down at my cardigan and realized I was wearing two Firefly buttons:
  • Yessir, Cap'n Tightpants
  • Also I can kill you with my brain
not exactly the sentiment(s) I wanted to express to the judge.

It gets better: the day before I was in church, wearing another cardi with more inappropriate buttons:
  • Frak
  • Gorramit!
Because church (fancy church) is totally the place for faux-expletives.
I also had a copy of Introduction to Humanism in my purse. Hmmm....

New Math

Stress + watching Ace of Cakes = Getting sick off of Baker's Chocolate brownies.

Note: this will be on the test, along with inverse relationships.
ex: The sicker my mother gets, the more I drink. (Health goes down; Gin consumption goes up)