Sunday, March 28, 2010

Stil Going but Less Crazy than Last Week

"I want to call Sand and tell him
not much has changed but I watch
more TV now..."
that's a line from one of my favorite pieces in my thesis collection.
and yet, accurately describes my life still. One of our professors used to say that writing is half hard-work and half waiting. And during the waiting you work. Isn't that the truth?

The thing about poetry, about writing in general, is that you get to/ have to dwell in a particular moment. For me, my collection is about absence (death, solitude... I would say loneliness but I'm not lonely... absence is a good word. The lack of people, of communication, the shadows left by people who used to be in my life.) Remaining in that absence is not pleasant to say the least. Being in the space of pain, returning to it, agonizing over its wording is how I spend my days and nights. It's no wonder I don't sleep and self-medicate.

Random, funny thing: maybe 75% (my friend's estimation, not mine) of my middle school youth group are now atheists or at least agnostics. And judging from facebook, the other 25% are fundamentalists but nice-service-project type ones. I think I'm going to stick with my part-of-the-75%-status.

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