Saturday, October 31, 2009

If wishes were horses we'd all be eating steak

missing one part of home: the Special Hell Whedonish Halloween party. The time of the year when we all dress up as such favorite characters as River-on-a-stake, slinky-dress-Zoe, Elder Gommen, floating chandlier, giant strawberry, etc. LJ tells me she's going as girl-Niska, and her date is Crow. Last year I was girl-Jayne (aka "Jayne's a girl's name!") with my date, floral-bonnet-Mal. Good times with friends, fellow browncoats and 'questioning' the buffet.

Meanwhile, i'm trying not to be sad, watching Firefly (still a little pissed about the Castle thing), thankful the parade outside isn't too loud, and drinking heavily with a cat sleeping on my feet. Happy(ish) days, I suppose. But sure wish i was back in the Special Hell...

And BTW, Saffron, you could do a hell of a lot worse than being wed to 'the large one.' I would be happily wed to him... (and that's why i can't watch Mad Men... between YoSaffBridge and than sonofabitch Conner...)

at this juncture i am...

ready for Samhain.
can't stop watching Ewok Gospel on youtube for some reason
relishing in the bruce campbell goodness of an Evil Dead marathon
glad that Natalie Morales is on something (white collar) but sad that it just wasn't the Dubby we all know & love. suckage.
getting used to a new computer (Mac) (!)
prepared to ignore the crazy parade which will be outside my flat tonight
loving the cat who is sprawled at my feet, giant belly in the air
committed to doing NaNoWriMo but still so conflicted/connected to my other novels in progress
weird dreams obviously influenced by that days' tv watching make me feel unoriginal
have committed to my thesis and my thesis but not a group. am nervous and icky feeling about all of this
hoping to hit the museum tomorrow. i love sundays in central park. plus the beginning of my favourite month. so good on that.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

this week's Castle

I get that it was supposed to be a 'tribute' to Mal. I do. But Nathan back in the browncoat just made my heart sad.

Monday, October 26, 2009

almost Samhain

LJ's nickname of the week for me is Barbara Gordon (note: she doesn't say Batgirl or even Oracle...) which i think is her way of saying in the world of superheroes I'm charmingly vanilla. I don't mind. I do look like her kind of. And I've been thinking of dyeing my hair reddish lately (Note: I have never dyed my hair), but I think this is a whim like wanting to buy a juicer or a wii.

I know I talked about Sanctuary the other day, but it keeps rankling: 1st of all, I'm pretty certain Ash's alive. I think everyone is. They weren't very convincing about the whole 'she's dead' thing. And 2nd, I keep coming back to this: the first season was highly enjoyable. But it was the early episodes, the everyday workings of the institution that attracted me. I dig the everyday. But soon they dug into this interesting but with harsh consequences for the building/mundane story arc. And I miss the unusual-usual-ness of everything else.

Just finished watching "Reaper" (L's been doing "Birds of Prey" which I think explains the BG moniker)--fun. I would follow it as a comic but I don't feel the need to own the DVDs. Is this my innate fear of Ray Wise (thanks David Lynch) or new-found recoiling from anything theological?

Meanwhile, have a safe and fruitful Samhain and Marvel Fest for those in the NYC area!

Friday, October 23, 2009


If you haven't watched "Mazes and Monsters" in a while, netflix it. With a score to rival "Ice Castles" and the computerized voice of a mynah bird you can't go wrong. It does make me miss D&D though. (Note: for as much as I enjoy it and occasionally wished for pointy ears, adventure, and magical powers, I have never thought I was really in such a land. I doubt anyone not on drugs has).

Saturday, October 17, 2009

LJ goes all psychotherapist on me

It's never been a secret that I disliked Stacy on House (hated, is more accurate, though I admit it's a baseless kind of hate--she didn't hurt him, she was nothing but nice). And on Sanctuary I have been stridently anti-Clara (though for the record I did not want her to die).

Clara's death brought up this conversation with LJ:
L: You just don't want Will to be happy because he thinks he needs you!
Me: Not me, I'm not fictional.
L: Someone like you then.
Me: He and Magnus totally need to hook up. She's like the ultimate cougar. There's always been a spark there.
L: And she's a surrogate for you. You identifiy with Magnus, not Clara or Ashley, so you want the object of your affection--Will--to have her/you.

Does this mean I see myself as Cuddy? Or is it just an affect of writing--the Powers That Be want whichever characters together and so we're influenced in that way. Or if you listen to LJ, because I identify with Veronica Mars I want her to hook up with Logan as my surrogate because I think he's hot. She might be onto something, but I don't know if it really tracks until we find minor characters to use the theory on. Major characters are too dictated by writers/producers and hype.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Random thoughts

Glee (which I love) is single-handedly reviving the high-heeled shoe industry. Seriously. Watch the numbers where the cheerleaders dance. Creepy.

I'm all for ANTM giving props to short girls, but the thing is they keep saying 5'7" is a tiny girl. I realize it is for models, but geez, find another way to insult petites... I'm 5'4" and it's a little uncomfortable to watch. I kind of prefer it when they were all "either gain weight or loose weight." Seriously.

LJ's Quotes of the week:
  • "If you put a glass of vodka in my hand and put mustard on it, I'll eat anything."
  • "Watching porn makes me want to work out. Like I'm too fat for even my fallback.... being a stripper"

Last thing: Was I the only one who cringed when that girl put the shoe on the table on this week's Next Top Model? Is it a Southern thing or just an old-fashioned thing that it's bad luck to put shoes on the table & hats on the bed. (Note: also unsanitary. Keep your shoe crap off the tabletop)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Prairie Harpy Dispatch

I love Shawna Trpic. Probably one of the reasons Firefly appeals to me is the clothes. I'm not saying I walk around looking like a Triumph settler or anything, it is kind of close to my personal aesthetic--combat boots and summer dresses. Hell yes. Thus I'm always on the look additions to what LJ calls my "Prairie Harpy" look (UO has a lot of cute stuff, but they usually don't fit me well... i've got too much goin' on up top).

Lately I am all about these boots which remind me of River's.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Securing my Geek title over LJ

by getting the Astonishing X-Men omnibus & Middleman comix today.
Also wore my new Star Wars (Empire Strikes Back) dress (courtesy of etsy) w/ my d20 earrings.
I got up at 7:45 am today (I sleep late, so sue me) to secure a hotel room for next years' Dragon*Con.
Hah hah. I reign supreme!