Saturday, October 31, 2009

at this juncture i am...

ready for Samhain.
can't stop watching Ewok Gospel on youtube for some reason
relishing in the bruce campbell goodness of an Evil Dead marathon
glad that Natalie Morales is on something (white collar) but sad that it just wasn't the Dubby we all know & love. suckage.
getting used to a new computer (Mac) (!)
prepared to ignore the crazy parade which will be outside my flat tonight
loving the cat who is sprawled at my feet, giant belly in the air
committed to doing NaNoWriMo but still so conflicted/connected to my other novels in progress
weird dreams obviously influenced by that days' tv watching make me feel unoriginal
have committed to my thesis and my thesis but not a group. am nervous and icky feeling about all of this
hoping to hit the museum tomorrow. i love sundays in central park. plus the beginning of my favourite month. so good on that.

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