Sunday, January 31, 2010

And so Birthday Week Begins

In an effort to ward off the birthday angst (not to be confused with the Thanksgiving pissiness or Mother's/Father's Day irked-ness) I'm bringing back Birthday Week. As a very small child I had four parties. It was a freakin' Jewish holiday it lasted so many days. Not big or lavish parties, but a lot of 'em. A lot of people and cakes and happiness.

So Bday Week begins tonight with"Rock of Ages" which I know is silly but everyone says it's super fun. And Tom Lenk is in it and it should be crazy-fun. Just the kind of thing to kick things off.

Meanwhile it's super-cold here (another thing that effs with my birthday-ness--February in south Texas is warmish, rather delightful, and flower-filled). The weekend has been not-so-productive but full of British tv--watched my way through Hotel Babylon & Primeval. Today pre-show I'm watching Lifetime (Lying to Be Perfect- delighftul) and going to hit the farmer's market so there will be potato soup later. Yay Yay.

Meanwhile.... Happy My Birthday Week to all of you!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

best IM convo ever

LJ: u can't just say ur a poet. u need 2 add somethin 2 it.
me: like... "i'm a poet and i weave tapestrys."
LJ: no. weaving is badass. something obsolete.
me: "me? oh, i'm a poet and zeppelin pilot."
LJ: oooo ooo i've got it--"Poet and amateur alchemist"
me: sold. if you tell people ur a phrenologist.
LJ: it's a deal.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Dear television:

I'm never been a big fan of angels. (Partially because birds freak me out & partially because my mother watched Touched by an Angel. Yikes). But watching this week's Demons on BBCA, where this kid thinks she sees angels it occurs to me that there's a lot more that TV did to freak me about Angels.
  • Angel. 'nuff said. (you guessed it, I'm a Spuffy)
  • Of course the beloved Dr. Who episode Blink
And of course good old Warren, but I guess that's more comics and my inherent bent towards class warfare more than tv... but I think he appeared on the animated show and let's face it, he's no Gambit. Oh poor rich boy... you're so conflicted... (yes, I have the same issue with Wolverine occasionally. Give me a rags to riches or thief story any day).

So in conclusion: Angels are laaame.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Is it just me or is Leverage on really late? 10? C'mon. I want it noooowwww. (note--I also want Sophie now too. Is that possible? Where's my time machine...)

New toaster ovens are harder to break in than new boyfriends. Seriously. It might take two weeks or so to get used to this one. Another thing I'm breaking in--this Steampunk harness. It's quite comfortable when adjusted and now I'm wearing it around the apt so it gets used to me.

From the free song on Christian Kane's revamped site: "the girls are going to do the things with the mardi gras beads/ you know they're going to show them if they got 'em" First--wow. Second--no such thing as last call? Sign me up. Third--you know I got 'em.

Made my first artichoke tonight. Not bad not bad (yes I'm channeling Wash and saying things in that voice double... oh and there's a faux mustache involved). Now if only it were 10 and Leverage were on...

Conversations with old friends:

We haven't seen each other since we were kids but we picked up like old times. I present to you, two humorous bits from that conversation:

Him: So your parents died and you became an atheist-vegan-alcoholic?
Me: ...yes

Me: Architecture? Didn't you always say you were going to be the pilot of the Enterprise? What happened, you didn't score well-enough on the Starfleet entrance exam? How's that dream going?
Him: I expect it's going as well as your marriage to Robin Hood.
Me: Touche, sir, touche.

And now you know what I was like as a child: a Jesus-lovin', drug-free, omnivorous (though a picky eater), and hopelessly in love with Robin Hood. Good times.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Whether you split atoms or infinitives...

You know you're a geek when you wake up to four texts and three messages full of friends squeeing the fact that an extremely minor character on last night's Big Bang Theory is a carbon copy of you. (Martha appears at the 2:16 mark. While not nearly as tall as the actress, it has been pointed out that we also dress alike. The later scene where Martha discusses Victorian mores is the one that really spurred the message. It's somewhere on youtube but I gave up trying to find it).

Leverage returns Wednesday!!!! Finally!!
(still trying to decide whether or not I can swing Portland this March)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Unexpectedly Emo in the New Year

I'm jealous of my friends with parents, with siblings, with families. So many of them are relying on their parents financially or are returning home to live (due to finances, life-crap, or finishing school). I don't have that option. There's nowhere to go. And then I get all teary and angry at myself. It's stupid. But awful-feeling.

Especially because right now nothing feels right. I need to find a job (you know, so I can keep eating and go to DragonCon this year). I'm over-educated with no drive, no spark, no life in my life (to quote a Sondheim song). Lately everything feels as Buffy described it when she came back from the dead the second time--bright and harsh. Uncomfortable, surprising, mean, and just plain awful. Where you want to curl up in a hole and die (sounds good if I didn't like my stuff so much--dumb I know-- and am so psyched about Leverage and Doctor Who).

I think that's why I like BTVS season six so much. It's where I am right now. Just as the Doctor spoke to me during my year at home because I understood what it was like being the last of a people. Maybe not the last of the time lords (who turned out to be bastards anyway) but alone in a rather frightening universe, unable to love people the way you wish you could.