Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 4 of BDWk

there are six (? ish) people in my apartment cleaning the floors and walls. It's a fun combination of dust and lemon pledge. cat's been good if not a little too interested in the process. held her like a baby for 10 minutes. she's too spoiled. said they were going to come at 9, came instead at 1 and now nearly 2 hours later I'm trapped in a corner of the (tiny) apt hungry and telling them its fine to not move the furniture. because sub-text, i need to do stuff today.

meanwhile, the mystery gift from my aunt and uncle arrived: a down comforter. which is nice and soft and warm but kind of a downer. Is this the kind of gift I can look forward to getting from now on? I'm turning 25, not 60 people. I just bought my weight in comic books, I don't need boring household gifts yet. please. so i'm ungrateful, but no longer cold.

okay, one of them is tenderly wiping the soot/dust from my tiny Mal Reynolds. thank you owners of the building for the post-fire cleaning. it is much appreciated if a little odd to be stuck on a tiny couch eavesdropping on Spanish gossip (at least it's not about me).

So there you have it. a morning of sleeping fully dressed on my couch having oddly vivid dreams, people cleaning around me, and a nice but too grown-up/practical gift.

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