Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Now forget me Rose Tyler

"Nice to meet you Rose. Run for your life."
In the midst of the David Tennant nostalgia I'm reminded why I loved Chris Eccelston's 9th Doctor. He was mad and childish and unpredictable and (my favorite bit) quite scary at bits. Remember the first time you watched "Dalek" and there he was all murderous and crazy hissing at the Dalek? I love that part of the Doctor. To me Doctor Who will always be slightly insane and menacing (keep in mind I grew up with my father's re-telling of Tom Baker episodes).

Don't get me wrong, I loved, love, Tennant but I wanted more menace out of him. I can't imagine anyone else as 10 and he is an incredible actor but 9 was so necessary, so great for the relaunch. And I do love that the Doctor is consistently egotistical. Brilliant.

Re-watch season one, especially "Rose" because early Jackie Tyler is hilarious and seeing Rose & Mickey is kind of sweet. I feel bad for Mickey suddenly. From boyfriend to tin dog... And when the Doctor flips (literally) through a book and says "oh sad ending" terrific.

Random note: years from now I will still be trying the whole Rose Tyler tounge & teeth thing and looking not sexy but idiotic. Damn you, Billie Piper!

Random note 2: I have my great-grandfather's pocket watch in a display case on my bookshelf and every time I see it (nearly) I think "some say the soul of a Timelord can be contained in a fob watch." I drank that kool-aid...

1 comment:

  1. The 9th was my first Doctor. As great as he was, I immediately loved Tennant when his run began, and I'm now looking forward to this new guy.
