Friday, December 4, 2009

dying breaths of the DH

Do describe Dollhouse and/or watch A.Denisof's character rip Rossum a new one only to find yourself defending the Dollhouse? Scary.

Maybe it's just me. But Madeliene/Mellie/November's testimony seems like a 'betrayl.' Now I know DH is evil. I'm not for human trafficking by any stretch, but she's not as sympathetic as Sierra/Priya. Mellie may not have not have known what was going to happen to her, but she was heartbroken and made a choice. And BTW got lucky because she only served three of her five years, and big plus--got set up with money and a whole new life after she got out. She seemed happy. And now she's all with the senator and I'm all 'sonofabitch!'

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