Tuesday, December 1, 2009

in which i am filled with cranky & indesicion

# 4 reason while i will miss Eastwick: playing 'guess the set.' because it's filmed the gilmore girls' stars hollow. sigh.

november is my favorite month (sans thanksgiving) but i've been filled with angst usually reserved for my birthday. first because i've got a houseguest with an undetermined stay-length (we're good friends... i love her, but as an introvert with a studio apt... oy).

second because i'm sTiLl trying to decide whether or not to go back to tx for the holidays. It makes sense--it's a little thing, there are non-family people i wouldn't mind seeing but it doesn't feel right. I should make a stand. It wouldn't be good for me to go back. I need to stay and work on my thesis, and watch effing Dr. Who on BBCA. Psychologically it might be for the best to stay here. But two other families (one in MI, one in VA) have also invited me over. And I feel like I can't go there without insulting my family. Ugh. I keep going back and forth on this issue but need to make up my mind because it's effing Dec. I need to buy tickets or mail presents. Sigh sigh sigh. True, i wouldn't stay long in TX... but my first alone Xmas? Possibly with snow?? Wacky fun peeps.

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