Friday, December 18, 2009

obligatory dollhouse post

How swan songy was tonight's DH? Shout outs to loyal fans all over the place... 'suite in the Hyperion' (niiice, Angel), Adele's little 'through suffering we will meet the real her' speech (oh Shan Yu from the Firefly Verse, you're my fav fictional evil warrior poet). Even Echo says they need to 'cut the fish off at the head' just like in Dr. Horrible (the fish rots from the head. we need to cut off the head... of humanity? ... it's not a perfect plan). And Victor = Super Soldier, totally = Riley Finn of Buffy. ... So basically the Whedon detector was flashing all over the place.
I'm really digging the way everything is coming together. It's crazy strong writing and acting.
Random note: did anybody else think X-men's Hive Mind when it came to the soldier group-think? Maybe I'm just too into the Stepford Cuckoos.

In the end, we have a story that's good. A solid second season. As long as stuff gets wrapped I'm gonna feel satisfied. A little sorry that it had to go, but who are we kidding, from the beginning it didn't look good. DH in its essence is an uncomfortable show full of morally ambiguous situations and a handful of characters with no personality whatsoever. Joss went to the darkplace hard and it was amazing. DH made me think, which I hope was the point of it all along, to get people thinking about the mind/soul/spirit/evil corporations/technological advances/personality, etc.

Dollhouse is just plain good people.

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