Monday, November 23, 2009

fangirls should not be allowed around technology

now that LJ and I are mac buddies we're addicted to ichat... and out-geeking each other in that medium... meaning action figure fights (and the age old question: who would win in a fight between Captain Planet and the Master?) and having a sing-off to Commentary the Musical! (BTW: we sing the shit out of Ninja Ropes). Seriously those songs need to be itunes. And dear Qmx: I want a Zoe marquette. Like now.

So that's what's been going on between migraines and cleaning the apartment. Huh. Sad sad little life fangirl... Oh, and trying to figure out if I can swing tix to Con-con in March. I hearby declare 2010 my year of the cons. And three days of the hottness that is the cast of Leverage? Niiice.

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