Saturday, November 14, 2009

On Legend of The Seeker

I've never read the books (let's get that out in the open first) but I enjoyed the campy delightful last season of LoTS (I'm almost kind of sad that it seems to have better production values this time around. The cheesy was half the fun!!)
What's not to love? It's covered with Joseph Campbell's fingerprints (boy from the provinces anyone? It follows Power of Myth pretty clearly which is oh so enjoyable). And even the S&M phallic-symbol wielding Mord Siths don't get me down (think about it though--they're woman in power (good), but serving a man who tortured them to get the power which also hurts them as they hurt. And they hurt people with the phallic symbol... there's a lot going on there.)
The thing that hit me tonight that I'm less than thrilled at is that all the female characters pretty clearly fit into the Whore/Mother dichotomy. Some minor characters blurr it a little but basically it's one or the other. Kahlen is literally the Mother (Confessor) untouchable, pure (even with the power to become Whore, but Mother is full of power also--everyone fears and honors her Confessorness). Mord Siths, clearly on the Whore side.
Still, even though Zed is the most well-rounded character, I love the show. It's not about realism or feminism or much else but Adventure and the saving of the world!

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