Wednesday, December 30, 2009

today is brought to you by Paranoia

not known for my great cinematic choices, I watched "The Trial of Billy Jack" back to back with a documentary on Waco ("Waco: Rules of Engagement"). Now I am even more convinced of the corruption of those in power and am five seconds from calling all my friends to march on Washington. Or move to a compound and become a crazy-hippie-hermit (but let's be honest, both of these movies show how that would end...)
Is there a way to be peaceable in the modern world? A way for abuses of power to not exist? For people to stop them? (Keep in mind all of this is coming from me, a believer in nonviolence who loves comics... and hales from Welsh ancestors whose national anthem says its the land of warriors & poets...)
Fairly depressed and yet fired up to change the world. And make some black-eyed-peas for NYE.

Friday, December 18, 2009

obligatory dollhouse post

How swan songy was tonight's DH? Shout outs to loyal fans all over the place... 'suite in the Hyperion' (niiice, Angel), Adele's little 'through suffering we will meet the real her' speech (oh Shan Yu from the Firefly Verse, you're my fav fictional evil warrior poet). Even Echo says they need to 'cut the fish off at the head' just like in Dr. Horrible (the fish rots from the head. we need to cut off the head... of humanity? ... it's not a perfect plan). And Victor = Super Soldier, totally = Riley Finn of Buffy. ... So basically the Whedon detector was flashing all over the place.
I'm really digging the way everything is coming together. It's crazy strong writing and acting.
Random note: did anybody else think X-men's Hive Mind when it came to the soldier group-think? Maybe I'm just too into the Stepford Cuckoos.

In the end, we have a story that's good. A solid second season. As long as stuff gets wrapped I'm gonna feel satisfied. A little sorry that it had to go, but who are we kidding, from the beginning it didn't look good. DH in its essence is an uncomfortable show full of morally ambiguous situations and a handful of characters with no personality whatsoever. Joss went to the darkplace hard and it was amazing. DH made me think, which I hope was the point of it all along, to get people thinking about the mind/soul/spirit/evil corporations/technological advances/personality, etc.

Dollhouse is just plain good people.

Friday, December 11, 2009

the return of Alpha (sans medicinal carrots)

alpha = joss' very own Joker.

love, alpha? really? i guess if joss thinks it keeps spaceships aloft...

screw the wacky sidekick, alan t must be cast as a villain more often.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

in which i get girly

by which i mean, bitchy and like a 12-year-old girl...
fact: i need to unfriend my ex-boyfriend's current girlfriend. it's just trouble. and damn you mutual friends as well...
feeling all pouty now--like everyone i decide to hate needs to go to antarctica asap. they certainly as hell cannot remain in the same timezone as me. that's just asking for trouble.

another thing which really really bothers me: everyone says they are good together. everyone says they are sooo cute. and i don't want him back, but i sure as hell don't want him happy. i mean he was crazy-evil-bastard-abusive-guy to me. and i'm still recovering from stuff he said and did to me. and when someone is that crappy to you and then goes and is that nice to someone else, you can't help but wonder is it me? I know it's not true. I know it's impossible that I made him hit me/psychologically abuse me. I can't believe it was because of me that he hurt me. It had to be something within him. But why did it only come out around me (and a little with the girl he dated briefly before me)?

the whole thing just makes me sick. and i don't think about it a lot, but sometimes it comes up cos of facebk related shit, and i've kept calm, but it's rough. when someone fucks with your mind you don't just get over it. I'm still angry. I still can't wish him anything good. I'm tired of the hate I carry around, but it's going to be a long time until I can inch forward toward releasing this.

Friday, December 4, 2009

not to over blog but...

Enver as topher? genius. close your eyes and it totally sounds like fran kranz.

and Bennett/summer glau? creepy as shit. and maybe i'm reading too much into all this but where she turns off the camera? total call back to river's academy vids. and her general awkwardness? keeps striking me as oh so river. maybe that's just her normal speaking voice however...

more dollhouse talk

okay, how many wesley/faith fanfics did this episode just birth? note to tv producers in general: alexis denisof sans shirt--good stuff.

second: mo tancheron's cameo? fab. totally did numfar's dance of joy. i was that whedon-licious-happy. kilo... adorable. i mean i know she was on it cos of the press releases, but such a yay moment. and soon enough summer glau will show up and my friday night will be complete.

and btw, ballard's line: "nobody ever really leaves the dollhouse, do they?" ugh. knife to the soul. so good, joss, so good.

dying breaths of the DH

Do describe Dollhouse and/or watch A.Denisof's character rip Rossum a new one only to find yourself defending the Dollhouse? Scary.

Maybe it's just me. But Madeliene/Mellie/November's testimony seems like a 'betrayl.' Now I know DH is evil. I'm not for human trafficking by any stretch, but she's not as sympathetic as Sierra/Priya. Mellie may not have not have known what was going to happen to her, but she was heartbroken and made a choice. And BTW got lucky because she only served three of her five years, and big plus--got set up with money and a whole new life after she got out. She seemed happy. And now she's all with the senator and I'm all 'sonofabitch!'

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

in which i am filled with cranky & indesicion

# 4 reason while i will miss Eastwick: playing 'guess the set.' because it's filmed the gilmore girls' stars hollow. sigh.

november is my favorite month (sans thanksgiving) but i've been filled with angst usually reserved for my birthday. first because i've got a houseguest with an undetermined stay-length (we're good friends... i love her, but as an introvert with a studio apt... oy).

second because i'm sTiLl trying to decide whether or not to go back to tx for the holidays. It makes sense--it's a little thing, there are non-family people i wouldn't mind seeing but it doesn't feel right. I should make a stand. It wouldn't be good for me to go back. I need to stay and work on my thesis, and watch effing Dr. Who on BBCA. Psychologically it might be for the best to stay here. But two other families (one in MI, one in VA) have also invited me over. And I feel like I can't go there without insulting my family. Ugh. I keep going back and forth on this issue but need to make up my mind because it's effing Dec. I need to buy tickets or mail presents. Sigh sigh sigh. True, i wouldn't stay long in TX... but my first alone Xmas? Possibly with snow?? Wacky fun peeps.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

cinematic thoughts

what is it about the human mind that we can experience something but only remember the tiniest part of it? I find this with movies in particular--especially ones I watched as a kid.
  • I spent years disliking Sabrina because she tries to kill herself (sort of half-heartedly) at the beginning and that freaked me out when i was 8.
  • I still won't watch Meet Me In St. Louis (I've seen it once before) because the leaf burning is scary (we don't do that down south) and that dude who allegedly killed his wife "with a red hot poker."
So I, who adore Apocalypse Now, can't watch Gaslight or Marnie. Yes, I am wimp. I admit it.

Monday, November 23, 2009

anyone else watch this last week's episode of V and think: "it's a miracle! wash's back from the dead!" only to be brought sadly back to reality when you remembered you weren't watching Serenity2? sigh.

fangirls should not be allowed around technology

now that LJ and I are mac buddies we're addicted to ichat... and out-geeking each other in that medium... meaning action figure fights (and the age old question: who would win in a fight between Captain Planet and the Master?) and having a sing-off to Commentary the Musical! (BTW: we sing the shit out of Ninja Ropes). Seriously those songs need to be itunes. And dear Qmx: I want a Zoe marquette. Like now.

So that's what's been going on between migraines and cleaning the apartment. Huh. Sad sad little life fangirl... Oh, and trying to figure out if I can swing tix to Con-con in March. I hearby declare 2010 my year of the cons. And three days of the hottness that is the cast of Leverage? Niiice.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

character actors and post-nuke-life

oh Gregg Henry, you're on every show. And thus every show that i love... Firefly, Gilmore Girls, now Glee... good times.

Can we talk about how good the Guild is? Really. This last ep (#11) is fab. Go Codex!!

watching Criminal Minds (because my innerself is 50...)--if what that brain guy in the beginning saying is true than I am home free--I won't be a serial killer because I have like no seratonin in my brain (thanks migraines and depression). I also won't be a serial killer because i a) don't care enough about anyone b) that seems like a lot of work and c) though misanthropic really wouldn't hurt anyone else. I'm quite happy here in my little cocoon.

watching Jericho (thanks netflix) makes me want to buy a gun and stock up on canned foods. Seriously.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

On Legend of The Seeker

I've never read the books (let's get that out in the open first) but I enjoyed the campy delightful last season of LoTS (I'm almost kind of sad that it seems to have better production values this time around. The cheesy was half the fun!!)
What's not to love? It's covered with Joseph Campbell's fingerprints (boy from the provinces anyone? It follows Power of Myth pretty clearly which is oh so enjoyable). And even the S&M phallic-symbol wielding Mord Siths don't get me down (think about it though--they're woman in power (good), but serving a man who tortured them to get the power which also hurts them as they hurt. And they hurt people with the phallic symbol... there's a lot going on there.)
The thing that hit me tonight that I'm less than thrilled at is that all the female characters pretty clearly fit into the Whore/Mother dichotomy. Some minor characters blurr it a little but basically it's one or the other. Kahlen is literally the Mother (Confessor) untouchable, pure (even with the power to become Whore, but Mother is full of power also--everyone fears and honors her Confessorness). Mord Siths, clearly on the Whore side.
Still, even though Zed is the most well-rounded character, I love the show. It's not about realism or feminism or much else but Adventure and the saving of the world!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

OMG. my geek heart is happy.

first Vork became guild leader (again)
and then he was on Glee.
Now Zaboo on the tail end of Community?
My geek heart is exploding in happy !!
Yay guildees!!
(I am drunk & laughing/wheezing so loud my neighbors will be down here any second...)

Community. Good. Watch It.

I haven't talked about it yet, but i 'm so into Community (on NBC). Mostly cos my bff is in C.C. and says it's too close for comfort and cos I spend Thursdays too drunk to blog.
Meanwhile, I've been watching the Soup forever and totally love Joel McHale.
Community is good stuff (as long as you're not in a sitch like it). And infintntely funnier if you watch it drunk.
Thank you.
(P.S.: Hot Robin Hood, actors who were Arrested Development, Chevy Chase, "sizzle and the steak" and that guy who plays Abed are awesome personified).

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A giant post about tv

Everyone's jumping in with their post-mortem Dollhouse thoughts. Since I am a devote Whedonite, I can't help but join the noise:
it wasn't perfect but it was intriguing and really getting good. Did it deserve to die? Maybe, I guess, just by the numbers and whatnot but let's be honest, even if you loved it, didn't you fear this from the beginning? It was doomed from the start and Eliza (I loved you as Faith and even highly enjoyed Tru Calling) wasn't all that. Mostly I am sad for Dichen and Enver who were rockin' it out.

That rant ended let's move on to the other cancellation I care about: Eastwick. I hated the movie, loved the book, and the show was a fun guilty pleasure. I'll admit to mostly loving it because of Paul Gross (who plays Daryl Van Horn) because I love love loved him in Due South when I was a kid. He's been really good. It's a fun show. So I'm sad to lose that.

Meanwhile, the latest ep of The Guild is fabulous. I've been loving Vork all season and now he's back as guild leader (and on Glee! In the best ep yet!!!) so I'm psyched.

So it's only Wednesday and it's both a tragic (oh Joss) and terrific (yay laura on ANTM!) week for TV. We are blessed with riches American viewers. Seriously.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dear Sanctuary writers & cast

(except you, Amanda Tapping who I would follow to the ends of the earth).
This last episode, "Pavor Nacturnus," is an example of why it's hard to support you.
Let's be honest, it was your wannabe "Epitaph One." But you are not a Whedon and it just came off cheesy. Mostly because Robin (don't worry you're still bang-able) with his mullet seemed to be channeling the mirror Middleman in "The Palindrome Reversal Palindrome."
P.S. I love you, Robin Dunne, but you're no Matt Keeslar.

i may have to rethink disliking olivia munn...

Re-watching Buffy season 7:

Anya has all the best lines:
"I'm bad. Baddy bad bad bad bad. Does it make you horny?"
"Upside down and half-way to happy land."

I get that Dawn is "part of" Buffy and that she is physically a person and everyone has memories of her, but don't you just go "You're not real! You're a fucking energy-key!" sometimes? The whole Dawn thing just still doesn't sit right. Maybe it's cos I'm an only child??

In "Conversations with Dead People" the First channeling the suicide girl channeling Tara (supposedly) warns Willow that she's going to destroy everyone. Is this wacky foreshadowing for the future Buffy sees in the comics? Am I reading too much into this? I think not. Let's face it--Willow's destiny is pretty on track so far.

*Nov. 11 addition: rewatching s7 I think I'm more okay with the whole Dawn + Xander thing. Look at the way he talks to her, or how she hugs him when he returns with one eye... it's sweet. She's grown up and he's the only one who sees it (and kind of Giles).

Monday, November 9, 2009

Obviously the cure for my cold is more gin...

what's with Joss and Cleveland? First there's a hellmouth there and now a Dollhouse? Sucks for you, Ohio!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

the V review

it goes without saying, but if an alien who looked like Inara Serra told me to chillax and do what she said, I probably would.

I kind of loved it when Alan Tudyk was going all Omega on Juliet from Lost's ass.

The thing that does wig me a little? Bailey from Party of Five. He works in the role, but I can't think of him as anything but Bailey.

Final note: when Bailey agrees to be her mouthpiece at the end and they kind of nod at each other, don't you just want him to say, "Ambassador," in a Mal voice? (see Castle, you've effed with my brain. Now I'm pining for Firefly more than ever)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

An open letter to Kleenx.

Dear kleenx: i am sick of your "get mommed" ads. Some of us like to keep our resentment/discomfort about being orphaned neatly packaged in say, May [mother's day], June [father's day] & Christmas. Stop reminding us we don't have parents. Enough all ready.

And those creepy talking coupon machines? Super not cool. Especially when a motherless daughter is shopping hungover in Food Emporium and a computerized voice says, "Want some motherly advice?"
Fail, Kleenx. Epic fail.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

If wishes were horses we'd all be eating steak

missing one part of home: the Special Hell Whedonish Halloween party. The time of the year when we all dress up as such favorite characters as River-on-a-stake, slinky-dress-Zoe, Elder Gommen, floating chandlier, giant strawberry, etc. LJ tells me she's going as girl-Niska, and her date is Crow. Last year I was girl-Jayne (aka "Jayne's a girl's name!") with my date, floral-bonnet-Mal. Good times with friends, fellow browncoats and 'questioning' the buffet.

Meanwhile, i'm trying not to be sad, watching Firefly (still a little pissed about the Castle thing), thankful the parade outside isn't too loud, and drinking heavily with a cat sleeping on my feet. Happy(ish) days, I suppose. But sure wish i was back in the Special Hell...

And BTW, Saffron, you could do a hell of a lot worse than being wed to 'the large one.' I would be happily wed to him... (and that's why i can't watch Mad Men... between YoSaffBridge and than sonofabitch Conner...)

at this juncture i am...

ready for Samhain.
can't stop watching Ewok Gospel on youtube for some reason
relishing in the bruce campbell goodness of an Evil Dead marathon
glad that Natalie Morales is on something (white collar) but sad that it just wasn't the Dubby we all know & love. suckage.
getting used to a new computer (Mac) (!)
prepared to ignore the crazy parade which will be outside my flat tonight
loving the cat who is sprawled at my feet, giant belly in the air
committed to doing NaNoWriMo but still so conflicted/connected to my other novels in progress
weird dreams obviously influenced by that days' tv watching make me feel unoriginal
have committed to my thesis and my thesis but not a group. am nervous and icky feeling about all of this
hoping to hit the museum tomorrow. i love sundays in central park. plus the beginning of my favourite month. so good on that.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

this week's Castle

I get that it was supposed to be a 'tribute' to Mal. I do. But Nathan back in the browncoat just made my heart sad.

Monday, October 26, 2009

almost Samhain

LJ's nickname of the week for me is Barbara Gordon (note: she doesn't say Batgirl or even Oracle...) which i think is her way of saying in the world of superheroes I'm charmingly vanilla. I don't mind. I do look like her kind of. And I've been thinking of dyeing my hair reddish lately (Note: I have never dyed my hair), but I think this is a whim like wanting to buy a juicer or a wii.

I know I talked about Sanctuary the other day, but it keeps rankling: 1st of all, I'm pretty certain Ash's alive. I think everyone is. They weren't very convincing about the whole 'she's dead' thing. And 2nd, I keep coming back to this: the first season was highly enjoyable. But it was the early episodes, the everyday workings of the institution that attracted me. I dig the everyday. But soon they dug into this interesting but with harsh consequences for the building/mundane story arc. And I miss the unusual-usual-ness of everything else.

Just finished watching "Reaper" (L's been doing "Birds of Prey" which I think explains the BG moniker)--fun. I would follow it as a comic but I don't feel the need to own the DVDs. Is this my innate fear of Ray Wise (thanks David Lynch) or new-found recoiling from anything theological?

Meanwhile, have a safe and fruitful Samhain and Marvel Fest for those in the NYC area!

Friday, October 23, 2009


If you haven't watched "Mazes and Monsters" in a while, netflix it. With a score to rival "Ice Castles" and the computerized voice of a mynah bird you can't go wrong. It does make me miss D&D though. (Note: for as much as I enjoy it and occasionally wished for pointy ears, adventure, and magical powers, I have never thought I was really in such a land. I doubt anyone not on drugs has).

Saturday, October 17, 2009

LJ goes all psychotherapist on me

It's never been a secret that I disliked Stacy on House (hated, is more accurate, though I admit it's a baseless kind of hate--she didn't hurt him, she was nothing but nice). And on Sanctuary I have been stridently anti-Clara (though for the record I did not want her to die).

Clara's death brought up this conversation with LJ:
L: You just don't want Will to be happy because he thinks he needs you!
Me: Not me, I'm not fictional.
L: Someone like you then.
Me: He and Magnus totally need to hook up. She's like the ultimate cougar. There's always been a spark there.
L: And she's a surrogate for you. You identifiy with Magnus, not Clara or Ashley, so you want the object of your affection--Will--to have her/you.

Does this mean I see myself as Cuddy? Or is it just an affect of writing--the Powers That Be want whichever characters together and so we're influenced in that way. Or if you listen to LJ, because I identify with Veronica Mars I want her to hook up with Logan as my surrogate because I think he's hot. She might be onto something, but I don't know if it really tracks until we find minor characters to use the theory on. Major characters are too dictated by writers/producers and hype.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Random thoughts

Glee (which I love) is single-handedly reviving the high-heeled shoe industry. Seriously. Watch the numbers where the cheerleaders dance. Creepy.

I'm all for ANTM giving props to short girls, but the thing is they keep saying 5'7" is a tiny girl. I realize it is for models, but geez, find another way to insult petites... I'm 5'4" and it's a little uncomfortable to watch. I kind of prefer it when they were all "either gain weight or loose weight." Seriously.

LJ's Quotes of the week:
  • "If you put a glass of vodka in my hand and put mustard on it, I'll eat anything."
  • "Watching porn makes me want to work out. Like I'm too fat for even my fallback.... being a stripper"

Last thing: Was I the only one who cringed when that girl put the shoe on the table on this week's Next Top Model? Is it a Southern thing or just an old-fashioned thing that it's bad luck to put shoes on the table & hats on the bed. (Note: also unsanitary. Keep your shoe crap off the tabletop)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Prairie Harpy Dispatch

I love Shawna Trpic. Probably one of the reasons Firefly appeals to me is the clothes. I'm not saying I walk around looking like a Triumph settler or anything, it is kind of close to my personal aesthetic--combat boots and summer dresses. Hell yes. Thus I'm always on the look additions to what LJ calls my "Prairie Harpy" look (UO has a lot of cute stuff, but they usually don't fit me well... i've got too much goin' on up top).

Lately I am all about these boots which remind me of River's.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Securing my Geek title over LJ

by getting the Astonishing X-Men omnibus & Middleman comix today.
Also wore my new Star Wars (Empire Strikes Back) dress (courtesy of etsy) w/ my d20 earrings.
I got up at 7:45 am today (I sleep late, so sue me) to secure a hotel room for next years' Dragon*Con.
Hah hah. I reign supreme!

Monday, September 28, 2009

My brain hurts

between Nietzsche and Pound (in general may I say: fuck you imagists. you and your rules...) i've head a headache for several days. (Admittedly the vodka hasn't helped)

LJ made me happier earlier today with a declaration of her Halloween costume:
sexy Emperor Palpatine.
*shudder* I'm not sure if I hope she's kidding or not... it certainly would be unique...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

How you know your friends are geeks

They respond to your new hairstyle like this:
  • "Love! It's very Willow season 4."
  • "Nice... kind of a Cordy pre-death thing going on"
and my favorite (a text from lj):
So that should give you an idea of my new hair. Possibly I should dye it red and go for the whole DubDub aesthetic... hmmm

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm so over 2009

it's been a weird year (to say the least). And i am sooo ready for 2010. Here's why:
  • Dr. Who (oh yes)
  • Leverage season 2, part 2 (January 2010)
  • Joss' Cabin in the Woods coming out on my birthday in February
  • Possibly graduating in May with my masters, assuming I survive this semester... and next semester
So fire up the Tardis and let's skip to 2010...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My stuff came! Yay!

Watching Dollhouse DVDs in the comfort of my !!**no longer empty**!! apartment it occurs to me that it's tough to be a geek girl--watching the episode The Target, I'm not so frightened by the idea of Matt Keeslar's character playing "the most dangerous game," but rather thinking, "I would let Matt Keeslar chase me through the wilderness and kill me. That might be a nice way to die." Sick, I know.

Finally have a bed to sleep on, forks to eat with, books to read, and a couch to sit on (etc). Slept for hOuRs last night in the joy of pillow-top goodness. Now it just needs to be unpacked (anybody have the # for magic unpacking elves?) and my Ikea desk needs to arrive... and then I have to put it together. Such is nesting...

Hee, hee--towards the end of Stage Fright the paramedic says "He's cyanotic." And automatically, I think of Simon... and the faux EMTs... it's a Whedon-Pavlovian response.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

In case you were curious...

I took a commanding lead in the geek-off today due to these reasons:
Between my rise in the rankings and new Frye boots all have to say is... suck it, LJ!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Conclusive Proof

...that diets make you bitchy:
my cat's been eating this healthy well-balanced catfood for a couple weeks and she lost some weight (she's petite but 11 lbs. she can stand to lose a few), gained a lot of energy, but got crazy. She wasn't her normal docile happy self, but a cord chewing, me biting devil-cat.
Yesterday I bought her a bag of the full-fat multi-meat-taste kibble and within a day she's calm and happy and wonderful again.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happiness in the whedonverse

Buffyfest issued a joking-ish list of 'happy' times in the Whedonverse.
I beg to differ--there are some profoundly happy moments in Joss' shows. And in response I offer this list, which came to me in the middle of the night:

Happy Moments in the Whedonverse
  • Tara and Willow so happy dancing that they float off the floor (in Family, I believe). Sure we all know (now) their miserable fate, but it's a transcendentally beautiful moment.
  • As is Tara and Willow singing in OMWF (though, admittedly, Tara is under a spell)
  • Zoe and Wash in bed discussing Zoe's death. Adorableness.
  • Inara and Mal enjoying a cup of 'engine wine' at the end of Shindig.
  • The whole crew of Serenity eating dinner together like a happy (if slightly dysfunctional) family at the end of Safe.
  • Anya all adorable pre-wedding (though we know how that turned out...)
  • Fred. In general, but especially when she got all excited about tacos. She was such a spark of happy in the dark show.
  • Spike's sacrifice at the end of Buffy season 7. He's ready to go and seems happy (kind of) to give up his life (so he thinks). And it's just so fitting it's almost happy.
  • Can I count the 'We are as gods' fantasy? Please? It makes me happy every time.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Another one?

19? Seriously, Duggars, seriously?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Convalescing with Chachi

The cold continues. And stress from afar comes to me through the internet. Evil evil technology.

Favorite thing of the day: Douglas Pembroke from Charles in Charge. Adorable. Look it's our species in the pupa stage!

Monday, August 24, 2009

summer dreams ripped at the seams

I hate summer colds. And yet with the stress of the school year rapidly approaching I've gotten them the past few years. Suck.

But suffering is optional, and so I'm trying to make myself feel better--lots of tea, sympathy from the cat, "The Craft" on TV, and dosas & samosas.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Lament for an Almost-but-not-quite Move

Must be back in New York, as yesterday contained a 'not-a-real-celebrity-celebrity-sighting' in the form of Colin, the hot Clark Kent lookalike from Make Me A Supermodel. He's super tall, crazy skinny (manerxic?) and still very attractive. He was in SOHO so i guess he's working. Good for him. I was shopping at Anthro. (as usual)

See, the thing is that my stuff is still in SA and might be for some time as the people in charge of such things are having trouble finding a company that will move said junque from there to here. Moving companies need to stop hatin' on the village. Seriously. Because I am tired of sleeping on the floor and I've only been here since Thursday.

Meanwhile I have an on-going list of things I miss from my boxes (Buffy, random books, my cLoThEs, etc). Most of all: my bed. And pillows. Sigh. Photographs, surge protectors, Buffy action figures (Mal, of course, made the journey with me). Sigh. Sigh.

Keep going back and forth about cutting my hair. Because i am shallow...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Thing of the Day:

Pitting Miss Marple & Hercule Poirot against one another in a bout of fisticuffs.
(LJ took the latter) I maintain that Jane would win simply because of the knitting needles. Where are your little gray cells now, f***er?
The things we do to kill time...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Geekness & Season Six

From a conversation with LJ earlier today:
"If Buffy season 6 is your happy place you are seriously twisted."
I tried to explain (as I do often, as a s6 apologist) that s6 has everything I love: Spike, Clem, Once More With Feeling!, Tara, Tabla Rasa... it's excellence is highly overlooked.
Let's just admit it: I love Clem. The bugle taste-test? Parcheesi? Count me in.

LJ and I have been having a 'geek off' all this year and most of last. It started as a joke and has turned into... I'm not quite sure what.
Mostly it consists of us flaunting geek cred to each other, whether it be in sheer number of dvds, t-shirts, bizarre trivia, etc.
A quite memorable round of 'How Geek are you right this second?' went to me with: kaylee hair buns, dinosaur earrings, writing a grocery list with my Sonic Screwdriver, wearing a Back to the Future shirt, all while watching Carl Sagan's Cosmos.
Beat that.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Trouble with fandom

Monday, I was in court, ready to go up and be rubber-stamped through the probate process, when I looked down at my cardigan and realized I was wearing two Firefly buttons:
  • Yessir, Cap'n Tightpants
  • Also I can kill you with my brain
not exactly the sentiment(s) I wanted to express to the judge.

It gets better: the day before I was in church, wearing another cardi with more inappropriate buttons:
  • Frak
  • Gorramit!
Because church (fancy church) is totally the place for faux-expletives.
I also had a copy of Introduction to Humanism in my purse. Hmmm....

New Math

Stress + watching Ace of Cakes = Getting sick off of Baker's Chocolate brownies.

Note: this will be on the test, along with inverse relationships.
ex: The sicker my mother gets, the more I drink. (Health goes down; Gin consumption goes up)